She was asking for it

Going through my old notes, I found this one I wrote after hearing Ashley Judd’s speech at the Women’s March on 2017. Two years later, it still feels relevant. I still stand behind every word I wrote and felt and I know that even today, I would write every single one of them.

Here’s to a day (soon) in which I don’t feel this way. In which none of us feel this way.

Something just clicked.

I listened to Ashley Judd's rap during the Women's March and she said: "I keep my eyes looking at my feet, hoping you won't mistake eye contact with physical contact. I zip my smile cause I don't want you to think I want to unzip your pants".

It honestly never occurred to me that such a simple act like looking into someone's eyes or smiling could lead to believing that I am somehow physically attracted or in need of you.

I have lived my life being a kind woman, and before that a nice teenager, and before that a good girl. And I have been taught to be kind, polite, respectful.

Making eye contact and smiling is my everyday, my natural actions. I don't even think about it. And I have been far too many times mistook by idiots who truly think that I flirt with anyone and that I want with everyone, making it impossible for me to actually take someone seriously.

To believe a man when he tells me I'm beautiful and wants to go out. To not think that all he really wants is my body.

Am I mistaken to jump to conclusions? Yes. Is it fear that leads my actions? Probably. Because I don't want to see my name in the news as the young girl who died in the hands of her aggressor. The woman who was raped behind a trash container. The latina who wore too short a skirt so she was "asking for it".

I want to see my name in the news as a successful woman. An inspiring, hardworking, determined, happy woman.

I don't want to fear. It's not fair to fear. I don't want to live my life mistrusting because that's the only way I could "protect myself" from the big bad wolf.

I am tired. I want change. And I want you and me to make it. Because a better, safer life for women, is in benefit of ALL HUMANITY.

Originally published on April 11, 2019

Original note from February 10th, 2017

Original note from February 10th, 2017


The purpose of being


When I lost Emilia